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How to Choose the Right Parking Lot CCTV System for Your Houston Business

A dark parking lot should be monitored for security purposes.

Consider the Features Your CCTV System Will Need

Ensuring visitors' safety in your business parking lot should be a high concern. Choosing the right parking lot CCTV system can play a significant role in achieving this goal. However, not all CCTV systems are created equal. It’s essential to assess your options and choose the best system to fit your needs. Continue reading to learn more about the types of CCTV systems, their features, and tips for proper camera placement to ensure the most benefit for your Houston, TX, business.

SEE ALSO: Build a Comprehensive Commercial Security System With Live CCTV Monitoring

Consider Your Needs

Before jumping into complex camera types and features, take a moment to consider the unique requirements of your parking lot. For example, is the space compact or wide? Is it multi-tiered, or does it circle your building? The size and scope of your parking space will inform the number of cameras you'll require and their placement.

Analog vs. Digital Cameras

There are two primary categories of CCTV cameras—analog and digital. Analog cameras work by transmitting video signals to a connected recording device. In comparison, digital cameras can send data over the internet, allowing for remote access. While analog cameras may be a more affordable option, digital cameras offer more flexibility for installation.

Features You May Require

You may find many valuable parking lot CCTV features, but not all may be needed to accomplish your goals. Here are some features to consider.

  • Video Resolution: For parking lots, we’d recommend a high-definition (HD) or ultra-high-definition option to ensure that even minor details, such as license plates and faces, can be seen.
  • Wide Dynamic Range (WDR): If cameras are operating outside, sunlight can potentially interfere with the camera's operation. Cameras with WDR will adjust automatically to bright and darkened areas in the frame to ensure quality footage regardless of lighting levels.
  • Night Vision: Nighttime is the most crucial for capturing footage in a parking lot, so we’d recommend a camera with infrared night vision. This feature will allow your camera to capture clear footage in darkness.
  • Weather Resistant: From heavy rainfall to intense heat, outdoor cameras could be exposed to all types of weather. Make sure you purchase a dust-tight and waterproof CCTV option.

Camera Placement

After you decide on a parking lot CCTV, the next decision will be where to place them around your property. Even the best camera can fall short if placed incorrectly. Here are some placement tips:

  • Capture the face and vehicle of everyone entering and exiting the parking lot or building. 
  • If you have high-traffic areas, ensure they are monitored closely. These areas could include a storefront, payment kiosk, or dropbox area. 
  • Ensure cameras are placed high enough to avoid tampering. 
  • Capture out-of-the-way areas like stairwells or hidden corners.
  • Align your cameras with overlapping fields of view to ensure you don’t miss anything.

Investing in the right parking lot CCTV system for your Houston, TX, business is critical for the safety of your employees and guests. Contact us at Cameras Onsite for more information about CCTV options.




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