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The Benefits of Protecting Oil Fields with Virtual Guard Services

A security personnel with a two-way communicator in hand watching numerous video surveillance feeds.

Decreasing Theft Requires Proactive Measures 

When you look out across one of the many oil fields near Dallas, TX, one wonders: what exactly attracts criminals to these areas? In addition to oil, thieves commonly steal batteries and generators that contain precious metals. However, what used to be a crime of convenience, such as finding a tool, cooper or equipment left unlocked and out in the open, has now become a targeted enterprise. Today, these fields attract organized crime targetting the big guns, including full tanker truck loads of oil and entire pumpjacks.

Remote and busy, with operations running 24/7, these fields offer the ideal settings for those who steal for a living. While the Texas Legislature has sought to deter criminals by passing steeper penalties for targeted oil and gas theft, the problem persists and worsens. ConocoPhillips reports that 30,000 barrels oil have been stolen since Otocber 2022 in the Permian Basin. 

That is where Cameras Onsite and virtual guard services come into play. 

Discover the Benefits of Customized Parking Security Systems

 A black car in a parking garage.

Deter Potential Trouble and Protect Your Staff and Customers

Parking garages tend to be dark, with high walls, columns, and multiple levels, offering criminals and thieves several hiding places. The typical crimes in these spaces are vehicle theft and break-ins, with smash-and-grab thieves breaking a window and gaining access to anything of value.

Even more disturbing is the criminal element that focuses on violence. Those returning to their vehicles at night when few other people are nearby should be extra vigilant. Some of the common occurrences include robberies, abductions, and assaults. 

Some accidentally hit a parked car and flee instead of staying on the scene or leaving their contact information. This action leaves the owner faced with repair costs and other expenses. 

At Cameras Onsite, we’ve helped hundreds of parking lots and garages that have experienced these issues. Our security experts install temporary mobile camera parking security systems that include lighting and auditory capabilities as well as 24/7 live video monitoring. 

Let’s discover what these features provide and how to minimize vandalism, theft, and injuries on your property.

Enhance Commercial Oil and Gas Security


Strategies and Innovations to Safeguard Your Operations

Security is critical in the oil and gas industry. If you’re facing theft, vandalism, and break-ins, it’s helpful to invest in safety solutions to protect valuable resources and employees. As technology grows more advanced, so do the strategies of malicious individuals. That’s why Cameras Onsite offers technologically advanced equipment to protect your business until the threat has passed. Our temporary solutions enhance visibility, deter intruders, and monitor your site 24/7. Below, we explore the benefits of oil and gas security installations for your Dallas, TX, business.

Top Benefits of Mobile CCTV Cameras for Commercial Businesses


Enhancing Security and Efficiency with Advanced Surveillance Solutions

Making sure your commercial property is secure has never been more important. When you’re dealing with a wave of crimes in the neighborhood, or your building is under construction, it’s important to ensure protection is in place until the threat passes. One reliable way to safeguard your business is with mobile CCTV cameras. These high-tech devices offer tons of benefits that can boost both security and workplace efficiency. 

Keep reading to explore the top advantages of bringing a mobile CCTV camera into your Dallas, TX, commercial business.

Harnessing the Power of CCTV Cameras with a Mobile Connection


Empowering Mobile Surveillance and Security Management

Keeping your business safe is a top priority when you’re on a job site, no matter its size. Whether you're overseeing a small project or a huge overhaul, ensuring the security of your property, assets, and staff is essential for keeping things running smoothly. Luckily, some exciting things are happening in the world of security.

One of the latest buzzes is all about CCTV cameras with a mobile connection in Dallas, TX. Cameras Onsite offers temporary solutions to protect your property until your project is complete and will remove the in equipment as soon as it’s no longer needed. These cameras are changing the dynamics of business security, and we're here to fill you in on how they're revolutionizing surveillance systems. 




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