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Discover the Benefits of Customized Parking Security Systems

 A black car in a parking garage.

Deter Potential Trouble and Protect Your Staff and Customers

Parking garages tend to be dark, with high walls, columns, and multiple levels, offering criminals and thieves several hiding places. The typical crimes in these spaces are vehicle theft and break-ins, with smash-and-grab thieves breaking a window and gaining access to anything of value.

Even more disturbing is the criminal element that focuses on violence. Those returning to their vehicles at night when few other people are nearby should be extra vigilant. Some of the common occurrences include robberies, abductions, and assaults. 

Some accidentally hit a parked car and flee instead of staying on the scene or leaving their contact information. This action leaves the owner faced with repair costs and other expenses. 

At Cameras Onsite, we’ve helped hundreds of parking lots and garages that have experienced these issues. Our security experts install temporary mobile camera parking security systems that include lighting and auditory capabilities as well as 24/7 live video monitoring. 

Let’s discover what these features provide and how to minimize vandalism, theft, and injuries on your property.




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