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Get 24/7 Protection with a Security Monitoring Service

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Protect your business from threats with managed security systems

Have you ever wondered what the perfect security system looks like? Certainly, smart cameras, access controls, and remote access come into play. However, another important component you need for advanced security at your business is a security monitoring service. With managed surveillance, your security system takes an even more proactive approach to protect your property, assets, and people. 

Read on to discover how monitoring services can benefit your San Antonio, TX, business. 

SEE ALSO: How Analytics Enhance Performance of Thermal Imagery Cameras

A Preventive Approach

Being proactive is always better than being reactive. Instead of contacting the authorities when there’s a break-in or receiving an alert when it happens, wouldn’t it be better to stop it before it occurs? With commercial security management, your business remains safe at all times. Instead of focusing on damage control, you prevent crimes from occurring in the first place. 

As soon as any signs of theft, break-ins, or vandalism are detected, monitoring services allow you to stop them before they turn into a problem. Smart cameras send alerts when they detect unusual movement, lights flash when someone crosses an invisible perimeter, and thermal imaging cameras detect intruders from far off. 

Restores Peace of Mind

You can’t be available in your office building 24/7. Moreover, even when you’re away on a business trip, you might worry about the safety of your company. Fortunately, a security monitoring service keeps a close eye on your office even when you’re not there. It gives you peace of mind, knowing that your commercial security system is functioning properly and monitoring all activities 24 hours a day. 

This security solution also makes the workplace a safe place for employees, allowing them to work worry-free because they know that even if something goes wrong, they are in safe hands, because they will be alerted immediately. As a result, your business productivity increases as workers can completely focus on the tasks at hand without worrying about their safety and well-being.

Prevents False Alarms

While security cameras and alarm systems go hand in hand, a commercial security system can sometimes send false alerts; however, it’s rare with today’s smart security systems. Still, with a monitoring service, the remote team can determine the source of the alert. Whether it’s a door that’s ajar, a fire alarm that’s been inadvertently triggered, or an employee who accidentally entered an unauthorized area of your building, your monitoring service can respond quickly to prevent panic or needless time spent on false alarms. 

Boost the safety of your business with a security monitoring service. Cameras Onsite offers advanced security solutions in San Antonio, TX. Call (877) 418-2268 to get started. You can also fill out an easy online contact form for more details. 




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